Putting together so many meals has really helped developed my kitchen arsenal, but so has being the only child in the city left for my mother, my aunt and grandmother to spoil. Our kitchen might be a bit messy by their standards, but for three male college types we've done pretty well for ourselves. Since not everyone is fortunate enough to have three French Canadian mother's, I went about putting together lists of food and cooking staples that any enthusiastic John/Jane College should have to eat well. I got the inspiration from Kent P. Frandsen's Where's Mom Now That I Need Her? which I bought upon moving into my first apartment. It cost me $5 at one of those subway book stands. We don't necessarily own everything I post, but I probably used it recently off someone else. Thankfully we have a lot of cupboard space at our place, because as you can see they can get pretty full. Second hand goes great with college kitchens, most of our stuff was donated by our parents and their friends. They've gone miles to feed the hungry.

Kitchen Tools and Containers

- 9 by 13 baking pan
- Aluminum foil
- Plastic wrap
- Various sizes of tupperware
- Bread pan (meat loafs AND baking)
- Casserole dish
- Can opener/bottle opener OBVIOUSLY
- Colander/strainer
- Cookie sheet
- Casserole dish with cover
- Frying pan/sauce pan with lid
- Good grater
- Vegetable peeler
- Pots with lid, one big one
- Measuring cups
- Measuring spoons (actually we still don't have these. Promises have been made though)
- Mixing bowls
- Serving and mixing spoons
- Spatulas
- Whisk
- Garlic press (very handy indeed)
- Hand zester

EXTRAS (if we were all so lucky...)

These were a nice bonus from either as thrifts, gifts or raids. The most obvious being:
- Slow cooker crock pot! (Obviously, because you certainly don't read for the humour! Ha, ha.)
- Food processor, with different deadly blades
- Waffle iron (a recent addition, very valuable)
- Baking dishes
- Recipe books that are lots of fun to read!

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